Scientific Publishing House

Centre of Sociological Research

Centre of Sociological Research

  • Publishing Partners:


    University of Szczecin (Poland)

    Foundation of International Studies 

    Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

    Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (Romania)


  • Membership:


EMFSA 2023

8rd International Scientific Conference:


Economics, Management, Finance and Social

Attributes of Economic Systems

(EMFSA 2023)


July, 6 - 9, 2023


Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portoroz, Slovenia




EMFSA 2023 is organized by the Centre of Sociological Research and BCSS in cooperation with Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirković”, Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin.  

Topics of the conference

·       economics, enterprise economics,

·       management, management of enterprises,

·       business administration and management of SMEs,

·       finance and banking, insurance, risk management,

·       innovations, regional and national innovations system,

·       accounting and audit,

·       statistical and mathematical methods in economics,

·       marketing of enterprises,

·       labour economy; social and labour policies,

·       socioeconomic and institutional issues in environmental management,

·       state governance and its socioeconomic implications,

·       gender studies in the areas of economics and sociology,

·       economic and social issues of education.


Conference Schedule


Full paper submission:

February 28, 2023

Decision of the organization committee about the acceptance of the article:

April 30, 2023



Payment of the conference fee:

May 31, 2023




Publication opportunities


All articles accepted for the conference will be published in the scientific journals which are indexed in Scopus or Web of Science in the period from July 2023 to December 2024. All articles are subject to double-blind reviewing process according to the academic publishing standards of the journals to which they are assigned.

Organizing Committee will decide in which journals particular articles will be published on the basis of their scientific quality and topic relevance to the journal’s framework. All articles should be sent by email to:

We kindly inform that the articles sent after the deadline will not be accepted for the conference..

Instructions for authors: the Committee recommends to follow the publication guidance of the following journal (minor changes may be requested later by the journal of text final placement):,4




The conference fee


The registration fee of 590 EURO without VAT includes:

Attendance to all sessions and plenary discussions during the conference;

Conference materials;

Proceedings of abstracts with ISBN;

Publication in the journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science;

Gala Dinner and refreshments during the conference.

In cause of article’s selection for publication in a Web of Science journal (with the current impact factor more than 0, Core Collection catalogues) or Scopus (special requirements) the participant may be asked to pay an additional fee, depending on the journal’s internal rules.







 Conference program

Thursday, 6.7.2023        

     16:00 – 18:00    Plenary Session, Grand Hotel Bernardin

     18:00 – 22:00    Gala Dinner, Grand Hotel Bernardin 

Friday, 7.7.2023         

     10:00 – 14:00     Section: Finance, Grand Hotel Bernardin 

 Saturday, 8.7.2023         

     10:00 – 14:00     Section: Economics, Grand Hotel Bernardin 

Sunday, 9.7.2023  

     10:00 – 14:00     Section: Management and Marketing, Grand Hotel Bernardin 

     14:00 – 17:00     Special section of EFMSA, Grand Hotel Bernardin