Scientific Publishing House

Centre of Sociological Research

Centre of Sociological Research

  • Publishing Partners:


    University of Szczecin (Poland)

    Foundation of International Studies 

    Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

    Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (Romania)


  • Membership:





Please feel free to contact the CSR Scientific Publishing House for publishing any materials what you think are worth it. We are building up a repository including various articles, books, journals and conferences, workshops and symposia. All materials are interlinked and indexed by the major indexing services, including Scopus, Index Copernicus, etc.


What are we offering?


Conferences: Conference organizers, please click here to see our offer, as well as our contact details for discussing all issues which you might have. We are looking forward to our mutually cooperation.


Books: Please click here to see additional information on our book services and offers as well as our contact details for discussing all issues which you might have.


We are looking forward to our mutually cooperation.




CSR Scientific Publishing House offers publishing of scientific proceedings in the following series: Economics & Sociology, Journal of International Studies as special editions.


Please note that CSR SPC may publish any scientific outcome in the area of social science and in case if your research is of significant importance and it is not directly connected with the social science we can print is in the special editions.


Our publishing house may use various publishing models, but for conferences we mainly use the sponsorship model: conference sponsors our services and we provide our professional services on publication of the conference materials, including indexing services, as well as high-quality and low-priced printing services.


You will be provided with our offer for a complex of services with a reasonable pricing upon your request. Please contact CSR SPC team and we will make everything possible to make our cooperation mutually beneficial.




CSR Scientific Publishing House is proud to offer our services on publishing of academic books in all major scientific areas of social science to make all new and past books available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and other major distribution channels and to make these available at very reasonable price.


We at CSR Scientific Publishing House believe that a printed book still is a most reliable source of information. It is not just the question of paper and ink, printed book is a well-written, formatted, reviewed and interesting at a very reasonable price, provided that it is published by us. We are aiming to make our books available for not only a limited number of institutional buyers, but for wide circle of readers all over the world. That’s why we are not making any profit, we cover only our expenses and this allows to keep our prices low and the quality high. 


For more information on our book series please click here.




If you would like to submit a book for publishing in our house, please feel free to do so via e-mail If you would like to submit a book for publishing in our house, please feel free to do so via e-mail We will provide you with our support through all publishing process and provide you with our continuous feedback.




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